
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Now, It's On!

Sunday - Coffee and Cake
weekly mommy babble and handmade goings on...

NOW, It's on... Oh crikey, the panic we were in on Friday. For half a day we were convinced our purchased house completion had fallen through because after a positive and hopeful morning, we had a phone call that changed everything and left us pretty much unable to do anything but chew our hands and wait patiently for a resolution for the entire day.

It was the first time in all the trouble we've had buying this house that it seemed like we were set to lose it and all invested into it too, since all the trouble began before Christmas with the vendors of the property. We were supposed to have moved before Christmas! So it really has been an ordeal, and totally down to their own disorganised nature and personal issues between themselves as a couple. We just got dragged along for the ride!

Luckily though, in the last 15 minutes of the working day, our Solicitors gave us a phone call to celebrate and we are now able to get a move on!

So for a few days I'll only really be able to mobile blog, but I'm looking forward to doing that, it's a chance to make myself familiar with blogging on the move! LOL! Don't know how it'll work but we'll see! So I can confirm at least that my features this week will most definitely be postponed until the weekend, but I will be around if I am able to update on progress :) In all this I am still working too so it's going to be a busy one that's for sure!

Oh, I thought I would post a picture of a new rainbow bunny pic for the rainbow hat in my shop. I had word from a buyer about an order which got me thinking about the images I use for that particular color, as the rainbow yarn can vary in intensity with each dye lot I thought it'd be an idea to have a few images that show the different intensities I had encountered in the past. So here is one of them! I hope to get better images sometime as I'm not that happy with the one's I have in this color. We'll see how it goes! Ok I'm off to follow blogs whilst I have my coffee and then get going! Speak soon!

Recent Altered Photography And Baby Accessories
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moonangelnay x

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