Sunday - Coffee and Cakeweekly musings, articles and mostly babble...
Bleugh... I've had a hard week this week trying to function, as I've managed to catch myself a jolly cold! Infact I'm lying, the LATTER part of this week I've been trying to function because of the cold. The earlier portion of the week was spent trying to out-do my son with cunning and wit, although I think he may have the upper hand with that. My other half had a long week at work so it was up to me to put on my cape and 'super' insignia, to become what I hoped would be supermom, but ended up being more of a wet blanket. So far I have been lucky to have the other half home since the birth of my baby girl, with his shifts being a little less than normal just due to how they were planned out on his rota, but obviously this week turned out to be a long one so I felt like I had been hurled into the deep end lol!!! It started out ok actually, there was one day where I was so proud of my boy for being so good and helpful at home... Then the other half returned from work and he turned into a Wild Thing! LOL! It's so weird, but every time us parents are together, the little man goes NUTS! Yet if it's just one of us he seems to be a lot calmer and a lot less naughty. I'd love to think it's because I'm the magic parent (LOL) but to be honest, after that day it did become a bit more difficult with my son being over excitable, his ears being turned off and commanding the household law with impressive mastery. Yep... did I suffer LOL! Then it all ended with a cold which luckily I've only given to the other half (I'm so nice to him!). I did manage to get out yesterday morning and get some much needed shopping done "child free" which was nice but as I was on a timer, needing to visit my moms house, I was jet propelled for the whole day and came home in a mucousy heap at the end of it. Hense no Handmade Spark article this week. It's been full on so all I could do really was gaze confusingly at my PC for a good 5 hours before falling off my chair from nodding off to sleep.
SOMEHOW in the week I managed to scrape a bunch of hours to work on new prints which was nice, and also I am starting to plan my first craft show for the end of the year which is now confirmed! I'm also planning to open up a new Etsy store, which I'll keep under wraps for now and share more when I have a little more sorted in that respect! But yes, I'm pleased at least that I've achieved a little more than an impressive pile of spit-up laden clothing, which I should fully credit the baby for really... but I'm normally better prepared at avoiding her projectiles! Before my partner went back to work we went to this AWESOME animatronic T-REX exhibition at my cities major museum and art gallery. I think we may have left my son there and brought home a dinosaur!
Recent Photography Posted to's it for now. Have a great weekend all!
moonangelnay x